I published 94 blog posts in 2021. That is something I am proud of, esp. considering that I had 3 months when I published almost nothing. Those were March and April when my right arm was in a giant cast after breaking my wrist, and July when we moved into our new apartment.
Having blogged here now for over 11 years, I still enjoy it immensely. Blogging has obviously changed much over the years, but I love the creative process. I just wish I was a bit more strategic … But that is one of my goals for 2022.
When it comes to what you like to read here, it seems that personal posts are very popular. But the favorite posts over all the years turn out to be mostly recipes, which I find interesting.
For the new year I have already started to set up a proper content calendar. Now it is up to me to stick to it and prepare posts a little more in advance. That will be particularly important for the time when the baby is born and all “new” because I have really no idea what life will be like with her then.
In any case, I hope you also join me on this journey to motherhood and whatever other surprises this new year has in store for us.
Your Favorite Posts this Year

1 We Are Expecting a Baby | 2 I Am Pregnant and I Just Got the COVID-19 Booster Shot | 3 Recipe: Vegan Banana Zucchini Bread | 4 Week in review: 15 – 21 February 2021 | 5 Week in review: 8 – 14 February 2021 | 6 Travel: One Night in Croton Point Park Campground | 7 Week in review: 18 – 24 October 2021 | 8 Week in review: 9 – 15 August 2021 | 9 My September 2021 Goals
All-Time Favorites

1 Tested: How Well Do Trader Joe’s Non-Dairy Milks Froth? | 2 Recipe: Turkish Salty Cookies (Tuzlu Kurabiye) | 3 5 Places To Visit in NYC | 4 Recipe: Yayla Çorbası (Turkish yogurt soup) | 5 Recipe: Super Easy to Make Homemade Yogurt | 6 Recipe: Baked Peach Donuts | 7 Outfit: That 90s Summer Feeling | 8 10 Turkish Movies & Series You Can Find on Netflix & Co. | 9 Recipe: Romaine Lettuce and Sweet Potato Salad
Most Popular on Instagram
Except for a break of two months, I think I was quite active on Instagram. You can follow me here. Here it looks like photos of myself are the most popular.