I am not the biggest fan of salads. I don’t find them always filling. Besides, I sometimes find them too cold (remember that I am almost always freezing?!). Of course, I am aware that salads can be healthy. Recently, I have become much better with eating fresh greens. At work there is a salad bar for every lunch, full with at least two different kinds of salad every day and, on top, single fresh ingredients to mix my own salad. I can’t remember a time of my life when I have eaten that many raw vegetables. Only, this doesn’t translate into eating any at home. And on weekends and during vacation I have to feed myself at all meal times.
The last blogger meetup I went to took place in a “Just Salad” store where we could try their products. That was the first time in at least very very long that I really loved eating my salad. The one I chose, the Sweet Valley Salad, was not only tasty, but it also filled me. So much actually that I took half my portion home.
Now, I don’t want to pay $10 or more just to have a delicious salad. Instead I decided to try to remake the same salad at home. I figured that it didn’t need many ingredients (six in total) and those weren’t expensive. Since I am rather lazy, I even found the right vinaigrette in a supermarket (but if you google, you’ll find many easy enough recipes for a lemon basil vinaigrette). We have now made this salad about five times within the last two weeks and love it. We even took it to the Super Bowl party we attended and everybody there liked it, too.
If you, just like me, are not the greatest salad eater, this one might be the one. We love that the sweet potatoes and the eggs are still a little warm. The avocado and the goat cheese add great flavors. And roasted pumpkin seeds are simply delicious. It is very easy to drop the eggs and the coat cheese to have a vegan version. If you like the flavor, add some vegan cheese for instance. Or just another avocado.

Recipe: Sweet potato egg salad
- 1 romain lettuce
- 2 sweet potatoes
- 60 g goat cheese
- 2 eggs
- roasted pumpkin seeds
- lemon basil vinaigrette e.g. from Gotham Greens
- Boil the eggs until they are hard boiled.
- Peel the sweet potatoes. Cut them into cubes. Boil those for about 7 minutes or until they are soft.
- Cut the romain lettuce into small pieces and put it into a big bowl.
- Peel and dice the avocado. Add it to the lettuce.
- Cut the goat cheese into smaller pieces and add it.
- Drain the sweet potato cubes and add them.
- Peel the eggs. Slice them. Add them.
- Add the pumpkin seeds.
- Mix everything thorougly.
- When serving, add the vinaigrette.
© janavar