Weeks in review: 24 April – 7 May 2017

For the last two weeks I had so many different things on my plate that I simply couldn’t find any time for blogging. It’s sad, I know. Even the cat was angry at me because I only came home to continue working and then get a few hours of sleep. He definitely knows how to make me feel bad when he’s looking at me with his big dark eyes. Actually, he started biting my feet after several days in order to get my attention. Poor baby. After I had finished all my different tasks and projects on Friday, I used the weekend to relax and finally get enough sleep – next to Canavar of course. For some reason he loves to sleep next to me, and it is enough to make him happy. But I’ve also filled my fridge, had time for coffee with a friend, and noticed that something like spring has arrived.

I wanted to get seriously started again this morning, but then I got sick within the first hour of being awake. I called in sick and crawled back to bed – making the cat even happier. By now I feel much better and hope to start the week properly tomorrow.

|Watched| GNTM
|Read| Unterm Rad, The Dark Prophecy, Perfect, The Girl in the Spider’s Web
|Listened to| The Weekend, Harry Styles; The Wedding of Figaro
|Done| worked, went to the opera
|Eaten| burgers, gnocci, too many sweets
|Drunk| water, coffee, cider
|Thought| I should sleep more.
|Been happy| when those last two weeks were over
|Laughed| When I asked: “What dragons are there in Game of Thrones?” and then realized how tired my brain must be to forget about those dragons.
|Desired| a break
|Bought| some medicine
|Clicked| I hadn’t much time to go online unless it was for work.

© janavar

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