It has been a long time since my last ‘week in review’. But having and living with a baby is a lot more demanding than I thought. Mostly because our 9 months old Josephine is so mobile that nothing is safe anymore. I need to constantly keep an eye on her. When I sit at my desk, she also wants to sit here and explore the computer. Needless to say that I then don’t get anything done. This week she accidentally pushed over my computer tower so that the wifi adapter broke.
Also, this week Josephine got three new teeth within three days. The nights were not amazing and we are still trying to catch up on sleep. I have really learned to love baby Tylenol already, ha ha.
The other important thing this week were, of course, the U.S. midterm elections. I didn’t expect such a great result. The Democrats kept their control of the Senate – and I am so relieved. To me it is hard to not be eligible to vote, but to be subject to whatever the election outcome creates. In this case I am just so glad things finally worked out well (or more well for the second time in a row). I also feel that it was absolutely worth it to have attended many protests over the last months.

|Watched| Küchenschlacht, Great British Baking Show
|Read| Die Küsten-Kommissare 6 – 10
|Listened to| the first Christmas songs
|Done| started to deep clean our apartment,went swimming, enjoyed the last summery days, followed the midterm elections
|Eaten| pumpkin soup, apple onion flatbread, Leberkäsbrötchen, dumplings, pickles
|Drunk| water, coffee, eggnog, non-alcoholic mulled wine, rose cider
|Thought| uf ya, three new teeth at once are not fun!
|Been happy| overall it has been a great week with Rich having two very mellow work days (election day and Veterans Day), and, of course, the Democrats did amazing in the midterm elections
|Laughed| Josephine and a little boy of the same age touched their faces on the playground
|Desired| a pretty Advent wreath, a few apartment renovations
|Bought| food, a Christmas gift for Josephine, a new wifi adapter
|Clicked| Allure’s interview with Jennifer Aniston: Jennifer Aniston Has Nothing to Hide; lots of recommendations: I’ve Already Read 100 Books This Year—Here’s a Recommendation in Every Genre