I find the weeks just before Christmas always rather busy and therefore stressful. There are so many things going on.
This week, for instance, we met up with several people, had medical appointments, and I took Josephine to see the Rockettes, her first show. I had bought the ticket a few weeks ago, planning when she would take her second nap (right in the middle of the show). I wasn’t sure what to expect. But it went remarkably well. Except for the little issue of that I thought we lost Emil (her stuffed donkey), but then found him waiting in the stroller. Phew! Overall, we both got to enjoy the show, which is full of New York City Christmas magic. Here are my tips for when you want to take a baby to the Rockettes.
Then there was St. Nicholas Day, of course. We got up on 6 December and our clean shoes contained some small gifts. Josephine received a wooden truck with blocks – mostly because we do not want to give her too many things at once. That truck has been so incredibly popular. She also loves the blocks. Being only 10 months old, she obviously doesn’t have any understanding of St. Nicholas.

|Watched| Küchenschlacht, soccer, Home Alone
|Read| Friesenjagd, Friesenangst, Friesenrat
|Listened to| Christmas music and my annual Spotify review
|Done| Josephine and I went to see the Rockettes, St. Nicholas came and brought the first small gifts, we met Rich’s uncle for lunch on Tuesday, Josephine had a health checkup, we went over to friends for dinner on Friday, on Saturday I went to Lidl for a little Christmas chocolate shopping, and we enjoyed a very quiet Sunday to recover from the week
|Eaten| the first Christmas cookies, Indian food, sandwiches, burger, pork tenderloin, Egyptian food, chocolate dominoes
|Drunk| water, coffee, white wine, beer
|Thought| I can’t believe my girl is already 10 months old
|Been happy| very much so – I mean we had a great week, even though we were very busy
|Laughed| because Josephine has the exact same happy grin expression I have
|Desired| definitely the things from my Christmas wish list
|Bought| a lot of Christmas chocolates and a few other groceries at Lidl
|Clicked| I mostly spent time on Instagram