Today is my last day of summer vacation. It is a little sad when I think about how time flies. But I also had a great summer – maybe not so much on the first weekend when I moved and the moving company didn’t show up, but definitely afterwards. I spent time at home with Canavar, I went to Germany, to New York City and to the Dominican Republic. I hadn’t even made a lot of plans for this summer, only moving and extending my U.S. visa were priorities. So I was positively surprised that I managed to do so many other things as well.
Now I am (hopefully) ready for the new school year. There was this moment last week when I suddenly felt excited to teach again, which is a pretty good sign. Ever since I’ve had plenty of ideas for my future classes. I probably won’t be as psyched tomorrow morning when my alarm is going off at a cruel time (ok, not that bad, but around 6.30 a.m.), but it is always fun to see my colleagues again. At least for the first (conference) day I feel well prepared, i.e. my lunch is already ready and in the fridge, my handbag is packed, and a first box of coffee cups is waiting in my car. On top, I did my laundry and even emptied the dishwasher. Now I only have to put some more thinking into tomorrow’s outfit, haha.

|Watched| The Carrie Diaries, Pretty Little Liars |Read| Friends like these, Christmas with friends |Listened to| a few playlists, but nothing in particular |Done| spend the Monday in NYC, returned to Boston on Tuesday, slowly started working again, met up with friends, “operated” my laptop because the battery was broken and needed to be replaced |Eaten| lots of vegetables, BLT sandwich, risotto |Drunk| water, coffee, cider |Thought| my cat can be so cute when he wants to |Been happy| when my robot vacuum arrived and I immediately tested it |Laughed| when I was out with my friends |Desired| that vacuum cleaner that I bought, haha |Bought| some games for school, a robot vacuum, a new laptop battery |Clicked| on Amazon a lot – first to order things, then to follow the packages
© janavar