We had the most wonderful week in Maine. The kittens slept on or snuggled up to us every night. When we got up, we had several cups of coffee, read, played with the kittens … on all the sunny days we usually drove to the house on the lake to spend more time soaking up the sun. On the rainy days we would find ourselves close to the furnace and watch some TV. Besides, I loved to bake and to later enjoy all the cakes.
The only downsides were that we only had one week of fall break and that the drive is awfully long. Even though we stayed in southern Maine, it was still more than 700 km home. So we spent the whole of yesterday in the car – although even that has become a cute adventure now with the kittens. They are so calm that we can just let them out of their carrier bag. They just walk around a bit, even use the travel kitten box, and eventually they fall asleep on the backseat. So if you ever see a cat looking at you from a back shelf in the car in front of you, it might be us 😀 .
|Watched| Back to the Future, Hocus Pocus, Artemis Fowl, Frozen
|Read| Lord of the Rings, The Space Between Worlds, Consider the Fork
|Listened to| the car radio
|Done| spent the week in Maine – baked, napped, played and cuddled with the kittens, sat in the sun
|Eaten| pumpkin soup, lots of cake, lobster
|Drunk| water, coffee, beer
|Thought| Can we stay in Maine, please? Oh, and more vacation, please?!
|Been happy| all week long
|Laughed| about all the little cute things the kittens did
|Desired| nothing else – we had the perfect vacation week
|Bought| kitten Halloween costumes
|Clicked| Grace openly and honestly writes about why: I Don’t Want Kids… and That’s Okay!; as I am dreading the election, I liked this summary of arguments: Why We Can’t Re-Elect Donald J. Trump
© janavar
Oh, dieses süße Kätzchen… wie hat Canavar denn darauf reagiert?
Canavar ist leider Anfang August an Krebs gestorben. Er hätte sie sicher in seiner typischen Monster-Manier erst angeknurrt und dann ignoriert
Oh, neee… das habe ich gar nicht mitbekommen. Tut mir so leid! 🙁
Das sind ja sogar zwei!!! Und eins niedlicher als das andere…
I love your cat ❤️
Thank you! They are the cutest