Good morning, how are you all doing? I am great, although as usual short of time.
Josephine has had a bad cold for a week and I am sincerely hoping she will get better soon. The most promising sign was that she actually ate solid food for breakfast this morning. Overall, I count ourselves lucky though because, despite being sick, she sleeps through all the nights like a champ. And there is hardly anything I value more than my own healthy amount of sleep.

In better news, I had a job interview last week – and was immediately offered the job. I accepted. I didn’t even know that I wanted to work again until I saw the job offer in a newsletter. A few hours after my online application they invited me to an online interview. I am excited to see how that will go. If you have read my blog for a long time, you know that I used to be a middle and high school teacher. But with my work permit not arriving on time in 2021 and then Josephine’s birth, I realized that I was ready for a change. The job I just accepted will have me work part-time as an instructional coach for a big educational company. I am still doing all the paper work and then, at the beginning of June, I will participate in an online training.
I am excited and looking forward to that part-time job. To me, that is the best of both worlds: I get to work again, but I also still have time for Josephine. Of course, it means that she will (have to) go to daycare, but it might be time anyways for her to spend a bit more time with peers. I will, of course, let you know how it all goes.
Talking of peers, we started going to a Saturday German toddler class in April. After a lot of research, I found only one class for kids under 3 in the City. So every Saturday morning (when we are not sick), we now venture over to the Upper West Side for 45 minutes of German fun. The teacher sings and plays with the kids (and we parents also help). So far Josephine loves the bookshelf most of all.

What else has happened? We haven’t had any cooking gas since before Christmas because, during a scheduled gas riser project in our building, they found a major leak. Recently, we learned that they don’t expect to be done before August. It is also very likely that it will be more like fall or winter. So we continue to use our two cook tops and the small toaster oven I bought secondhand in January. Let me tell you that, if we ever buy a new stove/oven, it will %100 be an electric one. I hope we finally get to eat our frozen Christmas 2022 duck for Christmas 2023 …