It has been quiet on this blog for the last few weeks. For a very good reason: Our daughter Josephine was born on 10 February by planned C-section.
That Thursday we went to the hospital just before noon because the surgery was planned for the afternoon. While I didn’t want a C-section and felt overwhelmed by the many people in the OR, the surgery was, fortunately, over very fast and I got to hold our daughter. When we waited in the recovery room, she was definitely the loudest baby of all. No other newborn screamed as long and as loudly as ours. But luckily she stopped about two to three hours after her birth and has since been a very relaxed baby.

We stayed in the hospital for four days and have since snuggled up at home. It has taken me a while to recover from the C-section, but by now I can take longer walks and do most every day things again. Josephine, on the other hand, has settled well into her home with the two cats and us. Her two main activities are eating and sleeping – and she does both extremely well. So well in fact that we all get enough sleep. While Josephine still hasn’t really noticed the cats, Arti and Lotti approach her several times a day and smell her. They seem to have decided that she is neither a threat nor food. But besides that they are not yet sure what to make of her.

At this point we have started to set up more every day routines. That seems more important as Rich will return to his work next week. Although I feel routine is a big word. Mostly, we slowly establish certain times for napping and feeding. After all it takes Josephine and me several hours in total every day to breastfeed. Rich and I also manage to eat three to four times a day (including my favorite meal of afternoon coffee and cake). We get all of our laundry done in time and some cleaning. I take regular showers and often afternoon naps. So we have mastered to fulfill all of our basic needs.

Next week will most likely be a bigger change with Rich going back to work. But we will figure that out as well, esp. since right now everything is slower and more simplified. I am super happy that I get to spend so much time with our tiny daughter – and that she is finally here after all.