The pregnancy is now full term. Most of the time I just relax and wait for something to happen. It is weird to think that we will be parents very soon and have a tiny baby to take care of. I never thought I would be so relaxed in general starting parenthood. But here I am, calmly looking forward to our very near future. Since we have managed for the cats to survive, I am sure we will manage just fine with the baby.
Until then we try to do as many fun things as possible. Like we had lunch as part of NYC restaurant week, we went to the movies, we invited a friend over to play board games … While Rich still goes to work every day, I try to get a few things done at home. But everything takes a little longer and then I need a break. I will be excited when my body is physically able to do things more effectively again. Also, when I won’t have bi-weekly doctor’s appointments anymore. Well, very very soon …

|Watched| Moonfall, Küchenschlacht, Betonrausch
|Read| Cultish, Percy Jackson & The Last Olympian, The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune
|Listened to| some playlists
|Done| had two doctor appointments, went to Chinatown to see the Lunar New Year celebrations, took a lot of breaks and naps, went to the movies on Saturday, played board games on Sunday
|Eaten| Valentine’s Day donuts, Chinese noodle soup with wontons and duck, pastries from Chinese bakeries, Valentine’s candy, a Greek 3-course-meal (cause it is NYC restaurant week)
|Drunk| water, coffee, fruit tea, cherry coke
|Thought| I really don’t know how women here can go to work until they go into labor
|Been happy| most of the time
|Laughed| Arti and Lotti tried to catch a tiny fly and it is super adorable whenever they go “hunting” (and fail)
|Desired| to be able to sleep on my side, and a few fun things:
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|Bought| some food and “souvenirs” from Chinatown
|Clicked| I even shared this post with Rich because it provides so much great information (and Corinne shares her own experience): We need to talk about perinatal mental health; great game inspiration if you enjoy Wordle (like I do): Why Wordle is the Banana Bread of 22′ & Other Brain Teaser Games to Play ASAP!; this post has great ideas (and the comment section is even more of a goldmine): What Not-Expensive Things Do You Like to Do in NYC?; we are so excited about this development and know already what we’ll do on baby’s 6 months birthday: Pfizer is expected to ask the F.D.A. to authorize its Covid vaccine for children under 5