Summer is basically here. We had a heat wave over the weekend and therefore also switched on our AC for the first time this year. The other solution, of course, was to eat a lot of ice-cream. Oh, and to go and sit in the shade in Central Park. That is what we did yesterday when we met up with friends for lunch there. Afterwards we sat down, chatted and played “Kingdomino” (so much fun!).
Else, this week I went swimming again for the first time since ca. December. Last fall I discovered the NYC Recreational Centers, public centers with gyms, exercise classes and often swimming pools for little money. We only pay $150 p.p. annually, which is huge. Anyway, while I am not a particularly good swimmer, I love swimming and paddling around. When I went again, I enjoyed it immensely. Hopefully I get to go swimming regularly again from now on.

|Watched| The Lost City, Küchenschlacht
|Read| The Tower of Nero
|Listened to| the Eurovision Song Contest and its playlist
|Done| worked a bit and had a huge problem with my e-mail address (which is now resolved), looked after Josephine of course, took a lot of walks and enjoyed the warm weather, I went swimming again for the first time in many months, on Sunday we met up with friends in Central Park
|Eaten| rhubarb cake, burgers, pizza, salads, ice-cream
|Drunk| water, coffee, white wine, beer
|Thought| the U.S. is real fast in making and sending passports – I wish Germany was as fast (but, alas, we have waited for an appointment to show one last document since the beginning of April)
|Been happy| when I went swimming
|Laughed| constantly about things Josephine does, e.g. talking to her favorite book
|Desired| sometimes a little translator as to what Josephine wants to tell us or what she actually wants
|Bought| only groceries
|Clicked| I wish I read more things online than posts on Instagram – but there never seems enough time these days