November was much busier for us than expected. I also had several days when I just didn’t feel as well. The joys of the third trimester … It made me grateful for the first time that I stay at home these days and don’t have to commute for almost 3 hour daily plus work full days (mostly standing). And I much more admire all those pregnant women who do it. Because we had so many things going on, I didn’t even accomplish several of my November goals.
As December is the last month of the year, I have set myself more enjoyable goals. There are also a few loose ends that I need to tie up, and a few things that I need to figure out – more on that later. In total I am hoping for a calmer month, also because I think my body can’t speed anymore. So maybe my main goal is to be a content, slow hippo 😀

My Goals for December 2021 are:
- send out all Christmas cards and gifts asap
- finish most of our nursery
- make our own gingerbread house from scratch
- enjoy Christmas in NYC to the fullest (with lots of walks to all the lights and displays, to the holiday markets, and to Central Park)
- make an excellent Christmas dinner when Rich’s parents visit us
- finish at least one more module of the Coursera course
- make at least 5 different kinds of Christmas cookies
- set up an editorial calendar for the blog and stick to it
- wrap up several things that need to be done before I start into the new year
My Goals for November 2021 were:
- blog consistently at least 3 times per week – done
- to finally make that tavuk göğsü – yes, and it was delicious
- find out if our health insurance reimburses the childbirth preparation class – they don’t
- also attend the birthing class in a few weeks – we did and enjoyed it a lot
- set up and stick to a study schedule for the Coursera (*affiliate link) training I’m taking – I have worked much more consistently, mostly on Monday and Wednesday mornings
- make a fancy Thanksgiving cake – I made this Sweet Potato Cake with Maple Syrup Buttercream & Pecans
- set up all the Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving – I did it even two days before Thanksgiving
- get at least half of my Christmas shopping done – I believe so, even though my main gift for Rich is unfortunately on backorder

- have our pictures taken to order Christmas cards – we didn’t get around to doing this, but have finally planned it for this weekend
- execute a baby DIY I have planned – still nope
- go swimming at least once per week – wrote it and never went swimming because there were so many other things to do
- order baby things to my parents’ so that they can bring it when they come here at Christmas – no, because they cancelled