Wishing for Spring on a Snowy March Day

It is 14 March and, after a rather mild winter here in NYC, it is snowing. Who can I please complain to? Because all I do now is wishing for spring.

Honestly, I had been waiting for snow forever. All the time from December to February. When they received endless amounts of snow in Upstate. When I saw sleds in stores and would have loved to buy one to introduce Josephine to snow and sledding. When I looked at the warm winter suits we have for Josephine and that we never needed.

Wishing for Spring on a Snowy March Day | janavar

But now it is mid-March. The first trees here have leaves. I have seen snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils. Basically, it looks like and should be spring. But no, now winter is finally turning up like: “Huh, I heard you missed me?”

Seriously, March here in the northeastern U.S. is my least favorite month. There is every indication that it should be spring. Only it is still winter. Almost every single year. March also feels endlessly long, esp. after the short month of February.

This year I am glad that we at least escaped already to the sun and the beach once. Two weeks ago we were at Myrtle Beach in South Carolina to soak up the sun. We even missed the last snow in NYC thanks to our return flight being cancelled. Instead we just stayed a day longer and enjoyed it a lot. But it is not enough. Where is that spring? Where is that climate change when I want it?

I am also glad that I have Josephine here who doesn’t really care about the weather, as long as she doesn’t get cold. She is fine with us staying at home because all her toys are here. She is also fine with us going outside because she can watch people, cars, etc. That definitely helps me a bit to just tolerate the snow fall and hope for warmer days.

I have ordered a few clothes for the case that spring ever arrives in the City – ok, it certainly will at some point in April:

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1 thought on “Wishing for Spring on a Snowy March Day”

  1. Good morning from South Italy! Winter here is wet, rainy and around 5 degrees. However, we can’t wait for it to be over. Unfortunatelly, March is the “crazy month” over here (Marzo pazzerello),comparable to the German April. 😉 … so 15 more days and it will, finally, be spring. 😉 Fingers crossed for spring in NY!

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