“I am Istanbul, city of cities, mistress of metropolises, community of poets, seat of emperors, favorite of sultans, pearl of the world! My name is Istanbul and my subjects call themselves “Istanbullu”. And of all the world’s cities, I am without doubt the most magnificent, mysterious and terrible, a city upon whose shores Pagans, Christians, Jews and unbelievers, friend and foe alike, have found save harbor through the ages, a place where love and betrayal, pleasure and pain, live side by side. […]
I’ve seen it time and time again; what they’re really addicted to is my love. But it is no mortal love, this love of Istanbul. They carry me always in their hearts, and to me they must return: homesick, pining, missing me to death, their hearts ablaze with an unquenchable love never to be found elsewhere. Once an Istanbullu, always an Istanbullu. I am the last song on the lips of dying exiles; I am pain and poetry; even to those who imagine they have left me of their own accord, I remain forever the lost home; for I am the smell of earth, the tang of sea, the stuff of dreams. I am Istanbul. City of magic, city of enchantment, object of the world’s desire.
And for millenia, no one has really left me. I will not be abandoned! Will never be deserted! My name is Istanbul.”
– Buket Uzuner: “Istanbullu” –
“Istanbul ist meine Erinnerung, mein Alles. Für mich ist Istanbul eine niemals sterbende Sehnsucht. Ich könnte ohne diese Stadt nicht leben.” – Erzbischof Karekin Bekjian – |
“Istanbul is my memories, my everything. For me, Istanbul is a never dying aspiration. I could not live without this city.” – Archbishop Karekin Bekjian – |
“Çok yaşayan bilmez, çok gezen bilir.” (Nicht der, der lange lebt, sondern der viel gereist ist, hat Wissen.) – türkisches Sprichwort – |
“Experience counts more than years.” – Turkish proverb – |
“Eine Reise von tausend Meilen beginnt mit einem einzigen Schritt.” – Lao-tse – |
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao-tse – |
“Wer etwas Außergewöhliches erleben will, muss eine außergewöhnliche Situation suchen.” – Sergius Golowin – |
“If you want to experience extraordinary things, you must look for extraordinary situations.” – Sergius Golowin – |
“Im Leben gibt es mehr Abenteuer als in Träumen.” |
“Life contains more adventures than dreams can ever hold.” |
Frankie Boys Hymne an eine bestimmte Stadt (I wanna wake up in a city, that doesn’t sleep
and find I’m king of the hill – top of the heap – If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you – ) macht durchaus Sinn, wenn man den Text auf Istanbul bezieht. Ohne Abstriche – und absolut realistisch.