There are 3 months left in 2021. A good amount of time to get a few more things done. I quite enjoy my monthly personal goals because it is so easy to make them SMART goals (that is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and within a Time Frame). This is why I manage to comply with most of them.

My Goals for October 2021 are:
- find/make a fun Halloween costume
- blog consistently at least 3 times per week
- empty the last few boxes we have standing around
- execute a baby DIY that I have planned
- install the shelves and small drawers in my closet (we bought them, but haven’t unpacked them yet)
- go on a road trip to see the foliage in New England
- make plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas
- finish at least two courses on Coursera (*affiliate link)
- find and register for a birthing class
- read more about hypnobirthing
- register for dental insurance
- make tavuk göğsü
My Goals for September 2021 are:
- set up our fall decoration √ – this year I got out the decorations early so that we can enjoy them for several weeks
- go apple picking √ – we went to Dr. Davies Farm
- enjoy the pregnancy as much as possible √ – I have become so much better at relaxing and being happy about little things
- make some plans of what we need to purchase for the little one √ – we even bought some things
- convince Rich to install our living room blinds √ – he did so at the start of the month and our black-out blinds are simply amazing (I can only sleep when it is pitch-dark)
- contemplate personal and professional goals for the next years and write them down √
- go on a little (half-)day trip once a week √ – I went to Jersey City, to Coney Island, apple picking, and to Boston
- work on my blog daily (when I am at home) √ – yes, I have become much more consistent by doing a little almost every day
- find an everyday routine that is productive √ – mostly yes
- visit our farmer’s market every Wednesday √ – absolutely
- take the time to update both my CV and my Linkedin profile √ – I worked mostly on the CV, but updated Linkedin a little
- try to cook at least one African dish √ – I even made two: vegan Nigerian efo riro (a spinach stew) and jollof rice
- finally make kürt böreǧi myself Χ
© janavar