I have lived and worked in New York City since July 2019. More precisely in Midtown East in the center of magical Manhattan. Before that I lived in Boston from 2010 to 2015. I also spent five years, from 2010 on, in Istanbul. That is where I started this blog in fall 2010. Since August 2011 I shared my life with male cat Canavar. Sadly, Canavar died, unexpectedly, of cancer in August 2020.
I have been married to the most amazing husband and my best friend since June 2020 – after we had to postpone our wedding twice. That same year, in fall, we adopted the (also) best kittens in the world, Arti and Lotti. They were just so stinking cute. Sadly, Arti died of heart failure in September 2024. Shortly afterwards, we fell in love with and adopted Penelope Pepper, our first long hair cat. Rich and I also have two human children. Our daughter Josephine was born in early 2022, and Ophelia in early 2024.
Originally I am from Germany. I grew up in a tiny village in the northeast. Honestly, the building we live in now has way more inhabitants. I always longed to live in a big city and already told people when I was 10 years old that one day I would live abroad. Unfortunately, they didn’t believe me and laughed at me instead.
I am a darling of fortune. I was able to realize my dream of moving abroad when I was 26 years of age. I get the jobs I want. The cats I had always wanted. Mostly I am in a good mood. Which is why I would love to sing all the time. But I don’t because I honestly can’t. When something goes awfully wrong, I work on it to improve things. In those moments I need a weekend trip to a place I haven’t been to before. In one of those moments I also got my first tattoo. Seventeen seagulls on my back. I love them.
My days need to have a structure. After breakfast with white tea, coffee time starts and only ends in the early hours of evening. I love to work and use my brains. I like to work through philosophy books when lying on the beach. It is fun. Housework is not in me. I find everything more easily in an average chaos. I don’t own irons.
Without coffee I don’t really wake up. On lazy days it is my absolute highlight to drag myself to a café in the afternoon. I read all the time, also in cabs, buses, to fall asleep at night. My favorite genre are cozy mysteries. I love to go to the movies and to go shopping. I own a zillion pairs of shoes and nail polishes. Amongst other things. I find it hard to throw anything away. I hate moving house. But I love traveling. And: I never get bored.
Contact me at: jana@janavar.net
Hallo Jana,
Dein Blog gefällt mir, eine spannende und bunte Mischung interessanter Themen. Obwohl ich gerne und viel reise, war ich noch nie in der Türkei – ein Grund mehr, Dir hier zu folgen 🙂
Viele Grüße aus Dortmund
Danke, liebe Annette! Es freut mich, dass dir mein Blog gefällt.
sehr schöne seite es ist sehr interressant deine ansichten zur türkei zu lesen
besonders über Ankara hätte nicht gedacht dass es jemanden gibt der Ankara mag
die stadt kann die vielfältigkeit von istanbul nicht aufbringen es gibt kaum historische
gebäude aber es wird gebaut wie verrückt
wenn du mal wieder in Ankara bist dann benutze mal die seilbahn tolle aussicht
Erst einmal komme ich wohl nicht mehr nach Ankara. Ich finde, die Stadt hat aber wirklich Vorteile gegenüber Istanbul, weil sie geordneter und ruhiger ist. Das ist nach dem vielen Chaos in Istanbul sehr angenehm. Deshalb muss ich auch immer wieder raus und mal andere Teile der Türkei sehen und zur Ruhe kommen.
Hi Jana!
Ich wurde mit meinem anderen, noch in den Kinderschuhen befindlichen Blog für einen Blogaward nominiert. Da ich nun also dran war, andere zu nominieren und ich so ein Fan von janavar.net bin, dachte ich natürlich auch an dich.
Wenn Du trotz Umzugsstress Zeit und natürlich Lust hast, findest Du hier alle relevanten Infos!
LG Julia
Huhu Jana,
melde Dich doch bitte mal bei mir – Du kannst etwas von mir erwarten 😉
LG Ivi