10 random facts about me

While I am sitting on the train from New York City back to Boston, and can’t decide if I want to show you some more photos from Florida first or rather those from the last few days in NYC, it came to my mind that today I just want to give you some random facts about me. I enjoy reading this kind of post on other blogs very much, so I hope you do too:

  1. My face usually shows exactly what I’m thinking. I struggle with dissembling my emotions, even though I know that it would do me a great favor.
  2. The same applies to when I perceive something as being unfair, and start arguing. Like when my friend and I were at the airport in Miami waiting for our pick-up service. An airport worker told us that nobody was allowed to stand there – so I argued that there wasn’t any prohibition sign. Well, I guess I am lucky that my friend just pulled me away.
  3. I grew up in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. With tiny I mean less than 200 inhabitants. It is 60 km away from the next and only big city in that region.
  4. I have three tattoos, which I all got during the last two years. Each of them has a special meaning for me. Being tattooed doesn’t hurt me so I even fell asleep the first time. I think I’ll have some more tattoos in the future.
  5. Nearly every night I fall asleep listening to a The Three Investigators audio drama.
  6. When I was a teenager, I was very critical about the US, which is why many people who know me from back then couldn’t understand that I really moved to the States. But my mindset has changed very much ever since (I mean basically half of my life so far has happened since), and it had been a huge dream to live here.
  7. I miss wearing my pretty shift dresses at work. They were my kind of work uniform in Istanbul, but here in Boston they make me look totally overdressed. Now they carve out a miserable existence in my closet.
  8. Recently I talked to a man I found very interesting and pretended to know several movies he talked about. I don’t think he noticed. And note to self: watch more classics.
  9. I don’t like dating apps. Yes, I tried, but no, just no. Against all odds I still believe that I meet my future partner in real life. Also: many men there do lie about their height, ugh.
  10. Saying this, I am very grateful for most online services like WhatsApp because thus I am in constant contact with my best friends who are scattered all over the world. I always know what’s going on no matter if my friends party in Istanbul, work in South Africa, or get married in the Philippines.

© janavar

Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “10 random facts about me”

  1. Hallo Jana,

    sehr interessante Punkte 🙂

    Zu Punkt 9. kann ich Dir einen Blog zum Lesen, naja, besser zum Schmunzeln geben:
    Manchmal findet man sich echt wieder. Es ist gut geschrieben 😉 PS: Es ist nicht mein Blog!!!

    Zu Punkt 10. Danke…ich dachte immer, ich wäre irgendwie falsch, wenn ich sage, dass man auf der ganzen Welt mit Whatsapp chatten kann…irgendwie kennen das wohl meine ausländischen Freundschaften dann wohl noch nicht 😉

    LG Ivi

    1. Hallo Ivi,
      man kann Whatsapp überall benutzen, aber offenbar ist die App in Europa am weitesten verbreitet. Hier in den USA ist sie fast unbekannt.
      LG & einen guten Start ins Wochenende!

  2. Liebe Jana, vielen Dank für den schönen und interessanten Beitrag.

    Nummer 1. trifft auf mich auch 100%ig zu. Meine Norddeutsche Schroff-und Direktheit kommt auch nicht immer gut an. Bin hier schon oft angeeckt bei den Aussis und auch mein Wiener Ehemann hatte es am Anfang nicht leicht 🙂 Aber nun kennt er mich und im Umgang mit den Aussis werde ich immer besser im Verstellen 🙂

    Nummer 8 ist auch ein Problem für mich. Ich kann oft nicht mitreden, wenn es um klassische Filme geht. Einmal saßen wir zusammen und sie zeigten die Vorschau von “Manche mögen es heiß”. Alle so: Wow, ich liebe diesen Film!!! Du auch, Mascha? Ich trocken: Nie gesehen……….Geschockte Blicke 🙂

    Freue mich auf Deine nächsten Beiträge!!!!

    Alles Liebe!!!

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