Week in review: 16 – 22 March 2020

This is day 10 at home. By now I have emptied my desk (enough) so that I can work from here, right at the window. When I stretch a little, I can look right onto Lexington Avenue. The usually busy road is empty. There aren’t any people walking along anymore, there are hardly any cars. The little cafe on the corner opposite seems to have closed for longer. Today they put a giant white sheet in front of the window and door and such a big “closed” sign that I can read it up here on the 6th floor.

The City has become a very quiet place. All stores that are not essential are closed now. I also feel that the air is slowly getting less dusty. This week it was also warm enough on two days that I could spend the afternoons outside on the roof deck wearing a T-shirt with short sleeves. I felt a little numb and didn’t interact much with people, as in I didn’t get in touch with many friends. On Friday the city clerk’s office was shut down which means that we will most likely not get married any time soon. Now, on day 10 I feel more anxious on the one hand because the virus is spreading so fast. On the other hand, I feel more capable of dealing with people again. We successfully played Codenames with my boyfriend’s family using an online game version and talking to each other in a video conference. Tomorrow night it looks like I have an online game night with my friends. Else, my boyfriend and I have started to rewatch all Marvel superhero movies. Nothing like a little more apocalyptic mood, right?! I would be ready now for the Avengers to come and take over.

|Watched| GNTM, Iron Man 1 & 2, Captain America, Babylon Berlin, cat TV
|Read| Blue Voyage*, Relic*, Shadow Weaver*, Charisma on Command*, The New York Times, Time Magazine*
|Listened to| Hanni & Nanni, A Drink with James
|Done| taught online from home, read many books and watched a lot of TV, played much with the cat, caught up on sleep
|Eaten| pizza, pasta, bean stew, mini bagels
|Drunk| water, coffee, tea, beer
|Thought| How can it only be a week that I have been at home?
|Been happy| every time my boyfriend arrives home from work; I also really enjoy having so much time to read
|Laughed| there have been many funny Coronavirus memes and videos online
|Desired| I would love to get married soon … could the city clerk’s office open just for a few hours? No?
|Bought| I ordered a few clothes online
|Clicked| I really enjoyed reading these stories: No Regrets: 15 Older Women on Their Wildest Life Choices;
watching animals always makes me happy: Here Are the Aquariums and Zoos Sharing Live Videos of Animals, Because We All Need This Right Now;

I love going to the movies, but my cinema subscription is now frozen – at least some movies are released online and my boyfriend and I have a movie date to watch ‘Onward’ at home: These Films Will Be Released Early So You Can Rent Them While Quarantined

© janavar

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